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Meal Plan*

It feels good to eat well (and healthy)
Initially, you will be instructed on how to juice.  Once tested, you will learn the types of foods you should be consuming and how to rotate your foods to avoid developing gastrointestinal problems later in life.  Consume smaller, more frequent volumes of food and snack healthy in between.
1 free range egg
1 grapefruit
2 pieces of turkey bacon
3 glasses of water (8 oz)
1/2 cup tuna in spring water
1 cup dark green leafy vegetables
1 piece of toast
1 cup lose2live weight loss coffee or green tea (8 oz)**
Lean meat or chicken
1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
3 glasses of water (8 oz)
Nuts and seeds
lose2live weight loss chocolate**
2 glasses of coconut milk (8 oz)

Go Paleo, and you'll eat a lot of fresh lean meats and fish, fruits, and vegetables, and healthier fats.

You can also eat:

  • Eggs

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Healthier oils, including olive oil and coconut oil


You can't eat any processed foods on this diet. And since our ancestors were hunter-gatherers, not farmers, say goodbye to wheat and dairy, along with other grains and legumes (such as peanuts and beans). Other foods to avoid:

  • Dairy

  • Refined sugar

  • Potatoes

  • Salt

  • Refined vegetable oils, such as canola

And start living healthy TODAY

*This is just a sample diet, not necessarily to be consumed by those with certain blood types or hypersensitivities to grains, gluten, soy, dairy or any other common allergen.  Once tested, certain foods may be temporarily eliminated from the diet, to be reintroduced once GI healing has occurred.


**Based upon blood work, supplementation (ie. vitamins, minerals, nutrients, digestive aids, etc) may be recommended

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